TUM Electron Microscopy Facility (TUMEM)
The TUM electron microscopy facility (TUMEM) is a growing center committed to delivering state-of-the-art instrumentation, techniques, and expertise for the structural and compositional analysis of materials down to the atomic scale. It provides access to electron microscopy instrumentation for TUM researchers and external R&D partners, trains new users and provides scientific consulting. Methodological development and implementation of new analytical tools is driven forward in close collaboration with the users of the facility and expert groups working in the field of electron microscopy.
The TUMEM Core facility is guided by scientific staff and steering board under the following "Terms and Conditions (Nutzerordnung)". Although operating interdisciplinary, the center is organised along two main competence areas for optimal instrumentation and expertise in Materials Science and Life Science, respectively. Two PI´s are responsible for the Instruments, scientific consultation and training of new users.
Mode of Operation and Access to Instruments
User Access to instruments and services (sample preparation, Data analysis, Consulting, etc.) is granted either through self-operation (only for trained users), service measurements (mostly for routine characterization) or through collaboration with TUMEM experts of the core facility or involved Chairs.
Access to Instruments
Access to instrument is provided after Project submission and User training
User training
Training is provided by the experts of the core facility upon request.
Please submit your project to obtain a "driving license" for a specific instrument.
Instrument booking (self-operation)
Instrument booking is only possible for registered users with "driving license" for the specific instrument.