Aktuelle Meldungen

| Events

Visit from BayStartup at the Open House Day

Christoph Rommel from BayStartup will be stopping by the Open House Day from 3 p.m. He is available to answer questions and looks forward to getting to know your start-up idea.

Open House Day 7 May 2024

Interested in joining the TUM Venture Lab FAB with your future startup or seeking support for your current one? Our monthly Open House Day at our BayWa Co-Working Space is the perfect opportunity for you to connect with Roman, Lukas, and Laurin. They will answer all your questions, discuss potential opportunities to…

| Events

Mark Post, the pioneer of cultured meat, comes to TUM!

26.10.2023 - 4 PM - Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 2, 85354 Freising

| Events

AgriFood Demo Day 2023

The future of our agri-food system holds vital questions: What will our diets consist of, and how can we ensure a future-proof AgriFood system that sustainably produces affordable and nutritious food for everyone?

Dr. Oetker wird Partner der TUM Venture Labs

Unterstützung für Start-ups im Bereich Ernährung, Agrar und Biotechnologie

| Start-Up, Events

Start-up Pitch Event 6. Mai 2023

13 bis 15 Uhr im zentralen Hörsaalgebäude

| Events

Munich Food Convention 04.05.2023

Was ist gelebte Nachhaltigkeit entlang der Lebensmittelwertschöpfung, was ist gesunde Ernährung und wie kann beides im Einklang am besten gelingen?

| Events

Aerospace meets Agriculture

Thu, February 2, 2023, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM How can aerospace technologies such as remote sensing or drones contribute to food security and sustainable agriculture?

| Events

AgriFood Demo Day Munich 12.10.2022

Connect with the AgriFood industry, investors and startups transforming our global food system

| Events

Besuchen Sie uns auf der drinktec vom 12.-16.09.2022

Besuchen Sie uns in Halle C3, Stand 305/307