Experiment registration to ghl@wzw.tum.de


Please send your registration to: ghl[at]wzw.tum.de 

Only when all forms have been properly submitted may the master gardener grant you unrestricted access to the S1 facilities!


Please note that we have to coordinate a large number of experiments and therefore a certain lead time must be calculated for each new project.

Only for S1 experiments with dynamic GMO placement

S1-project-manager of the respective chair (working group) please fill in once

Each S1-Chair-Project-Manager, if a collaborator wishes to conduct an S1 experiment with S1 organisms in his/her area of responsibility at GHL, must sign a one-time commitment statement in the case of dynamic-change GMO population (changing GMO inputs and outputs during an experimental kingdom), in which he/she agrees to, 

1. to submit to the GHL-S1-project-manager a valid list of all GMOs, including all those used for the intended experiment(s) (susanne.steger@wzw.tum.de)

2. to instruct his staff to comply with proper documentation (according to GHL documentation procedures) of all GMO inputs and outputs at GHL (list on the outside of the respective experimental unit).